Nicola Energy climbing down a rock while holding her hat

3 Essential Energy Principals to create clarity

Do you ever feel like your brain is stuck in a soup of confusion? That pesky mental fog makes it impossible to tell your to-do list from your grocery receipt. We’ve all been there, my friend. You stumble through the day in a daze, wondering where your mojo went. But what if I told you there’s a way to break free from the haze and tap into laser-sharp clarity?

It’s time for you to ditch the struggle bus and hop aboard the Clarity Express! You’re going to dive into three essential energy principles that will take you from muddled to masterful faster than you can say “Namaste.”

First, let’s talk about why clarity matters. When you’re crystal clear on your goals and purpose, and buzzing with vibrant energy, amazing things happen. You get stuff DONE. Like, serious ninja-level productivity. Alfred Adler, one of the original psychology gurus, would say it’s all about understanding your “life task” – that unique calling that sets your soul on fire.

1: If you need help connecting to your “life task” listen to my FREE ‘Heart Clarity’ Guided Energy Activation, instant access HERE.
2: If you feel on purpose but need help keeping clear and buzzing with vibrant energy read on…

When your energy is draggin’, that sense of purpose gets buried under a mountain of “shoulds,” self-doubt, and general ickiness. Suddenly, you’re slogging through the day like a sloth in molasses.
The good news? You can shift your energy to create clarity. You’re going to learn how to go from fuzzy to focused in three simple steps.

Principle #1: Unplug from the Energy Drains (Seriously, Your Phone Can Wait!)

Sadguru, the modern mystic, would give you a knowing look and say, “Isn’t it time for you to become the master of your experience?” Preach, Sadguru, preach. You’re constantly bombarded with notifications, social media FOMO, and Negative Nancies. They’re all energy vampires, sucking the clarity right out of you.

Create creative focus blocks: Carve out the first dedicated chunk of your day to do your most creative work. Before anything else, use up your juice on something that truly matters and will move the needle rather than checking email or other to-do list activities. Turn off all notifications and distractions and get in the zone.
Schedule sacred recharge time: Carve out dedicated chunks in your day to truly disconnect. Put your phone on silent and out of your biofield (at least 8ft or 2.5m away from you), close those browser tabs, and give your brain some much-needed R&R.

Plan a digital detox weekend: Yep, you read that right. A whole weekend off the grid. Go forest bathing, get lost in a book, have a dance party in your living room. Reconnect with the real world and watch your clarity skyrocket.

Set boundaries with energy vampires: You don’t have to go full garlic-and-crucifix, but it’s okay for you to be firm. Let people know you need some focused time and politely excuse yourself from the doom and gloom. Your energy field will thank you.

Principle #2: Nourish Your Body (Because Your Brain Runs on More Than Coffee)

Your feeling of clarity and ability to tap into your most powerful essence is deeply connected to your body chemistry. This is in the realm of the physical, the densest level of your energy. You are bioenergetic, and the electrical and electromagnetic processes that support your hormones (the messengers in your body that support mood, sleep, metabolism and reproduction) are incredibly powerful and responsive.

As someone who had insomnia for over a decade and still has a highly sensitive nervous system, I do not drink coffee or alcohol. I have had long periods of time where I have completely given up sugar and now very, very rarely consume it. This allows me to be an effective healer, channel, creative, remain grounded and continue to create a stronger foundation within myself.
If you were energetically evolved enough and an absolute energy master, you could technically eat cat food, ice cream, chocolate truffles, drink champagne and dissolve into pure love consciousness but I am most certainly not there!
You are unique. Your energy is unique. Pay attention to what you consume and if it truly gives you power or makes you feel fuzzy. Does it really serve you or are you using it to manage your stress or emotions?

I do eat high-quality biodynamic dark chocolate sometimes and tune-in to take note: am I doing this because I feel a little stress squeeze and want to digest or distract myself with a square of mother natures treasure or is it for pure pleasure from a place of grounded enjoyment. Mostly it’s because I am managing my emotions. Full disclosure.
Eat for clarity: Toss the processed junk and sugar bombs. Focus on whole, colorful foods that make your cells sing. Think leafy greens, antioxidant-rich berries, clean protein for breakfast, and healthy fats. Your brain will be doing a happy dance.
Hydrate like a boss: Fun fact: your brain is about 75% water and relies on bioelectrical processes. Water conducts electricity. Keep that spongy powerhouse of yours hydrated! Shoot for eight glasses a day, more if you’re super active. Away from food so it doesn’t dilute your digestion, no ice because your energy prefers room temperature, and sip don’t chug so your body can assimilate gently and continuously (I haven’t cracked that one yet).

Move it, move it: Activating your detoxification pathways through your lymphatic system by moving as one of the first things you do every day means your emotional resilience will be in good shape. Your lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump like your blood has your heart and it relies on your body’s movement to work effectively. You will keep your emotional energy clear, help process emotions and release stagnation every time you move.

As far as I’m concerned, exercise is for my brain and mental health; a side benefit is that my body stays healthy.
Go for a power walk, shake it off at an ecstatic dance, or om it out at yoga. Find your jam and get your blood pumping!

Principle #3: Visualise Your Morning Ritual the Night Before (Your Energy Intention)

How you start your day really is the magic hour. No matter how long you have for a morning ritual, it is essential to set the tone and align your frequency with calm clarity.

Your morning ritual: Move, breathe and commune with yourself and set the tone for your day. However you want to create this is up to you. Whether you have 10 minutes or an hour it is essential to set your energy in a way that will carry you through your day.

Visualize the night before: Take a few minutes before your go to sleep to mentally rehearse your morning ritual. Imagine every detail of where you will be and what you will be doing. See yourself, beaming with energy and clarity at the end of yoru ritual. The more real you can make it, the more your brain will believe it.

Feel the feeling: As you are visualising your morning ritual guide your energy to notice the feeling in your body during this practice. Take your awareness into your body and imagine the feeling of creating energy and clarity. Focus on the frequency of the feeling inside to connect your intention to reality.

Agree the timing: Set a specific time commitment with yourself for your morning routine.

But here’s the deal: your journey to clarity isn’t always unicorns and rainbows. It takes consistent effort and a hefty dose of self-compassion. You might have days where the fog creeps back in, and that’s okay. Be kind to yourself and remember that your progress isn’t always linear.

And let’s be real, sometimes life just throws a wrench in your best-laid plans. Your kids get sick, work deadlines loom, and chaos reigns supreme. In those moments, it’s easy to let your energy practices slide. But that’s when you need them the most!

So here’s your challenge, my friend: commit to ONE tiny energy-shifting action each day. It could be a five-minute meditation, a green smoothie, or a quick dance break. Something that anchors you back to your centre of clarity.

Because here’s the truth: you are worthy of crystal clarity. You deserve to feel energized, purposeful, and lit up from the inside out. And with these three essential energy principles, you’ve got the tools to make it happen.

With love,

Nicola Energy

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Heart Clarity Activation

This audio was created to shift your energy fast and activate your personal magic. From head to heart, this is the most powerful energy journey you will ever take.


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The art of letting go


The Art Of Letting Go

Something in your heart is calling you to make a shift in your life. Imagine fresh vibes flowing in. You're receiving guidance and inspiration. It feels good.

Let me guide you through a process mentally, emotionally and energetically to let go.

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Heart Clarity Activation

This audio was created to shift your energy fast and activate your personal magic. From head to heart, this is the most powerful energy journey you will ever take.

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The Art Of Letting Go


Something in your heart is calling you to make a shift in your life. Imagine fresh vibes flowing in. You're receiving guidance and inspiration. It feels good.

Let me guide you through a process mentally, emotionally and energetically to let go.

“I feel aligned and I want more.” Lari
“I’m stepping into my power” Elaine
“At a subtle level it's making something new & pure for every one of us.” Luana
“Strong feeling with my liver helping heal the past” Hayley
“I feel aligned and I want more.” Lari
“I’m stepping into my power” Elaine
“At a subtle level it's making something new & pure for every one of us.” Luana
“Strong feeling with my liver helping heal the past” Hayley