Ready to fully shine your creative light and activate your true potential without using past programming or trying to think your way out…
3 month one-on-one private mentorship and energy experience.
Say goodbye to ‘past conditioning and fear in the mind’ and hello to ‘you are impossible to ignore, lit-up lighthouse.’
If you’re a creative, performer, healer, or artist who knows you have more to give and express in this world - this is for you. You want to make a bigger impact with your craft to surprise and delight others and create plenty of abundance to support yourself.
Give your energy permission to shine with my energy alignment process that unlocks your untapped creative potential so you can share what you know is inside you.
Say goodbye to trapped emotions and say hello to feeling freedom.
No more frustration trying to figure it out.
My emotional release healing unlocks your heart's full creative power and aligns you with a flow state of inspiration and infinite possibilities.
This sacred, high-frequency container holds you in absolute acceptance and safety for this transformation, in devotion to the process.
You are unique, and your energy is unique, just like a fingerprint.
To you, my darling creative, who is CRAVING more impact with your craft and more ease and flow in your life, too…
You already know that your inner game is THE KEY to creating the outcome, the shining star, you dream of.
Open up your intuitive guidance on demand so you feel total trust in yourself.
Be free to create your ideal future by letting go of trapped emotions from your past.
Feel connected to powerful, energising emotions at your core: love, bliss and joy.
Know you are magic by activating your profound higher-self connection.
Feel safe and sure you are ready for positive change by identifying and releasing fear frequencies.
Have crystal clear clarity about your next aligned action steps.
Energy doesn't lie, and this process of energy mastery is the foundation you need to be the person everyone’s asking ‘Whatever you’re doing I want some’.

Buuuuuuuuuut there is an invisible ‘wall’ that keeps you at a certain level, in the same patterns and loop.
That’s the coding in your subtle energy. You can’t see it, but you can feel it, and it shows up in your external world. You might have an idea about what’s holding you back, but until you go deep into the root of the energy, nothing will shift.
And all this?
Has probably got you feeling stressed and underappreciated.
And not any closer to achieving the expression and recognition you are looking for.
Are you feeling a bit frustrated, sad or even despairing?
Or even worse? Imagine living in the future with the regret of not unlocking the potential you know lives inside of you.
I get it, you are not alone, and there is a solution
What if you could be reborn into a fresh code of infinite possibility where you know you can fully shine your creative light and activate your true potential?
PLUS, marvel at the synchronicities and feel a flow of creative inspiration channeling through you.
If you're a creative soul, you probably feel things deeply.
That's your superpower, but sometimes carrying emotional baggage from past experiences unknowingly holds you back. I, Nicola, get how challenging it can be.
Here's the thing: I used to be lost with addictions and trauma without even realising it. My childhood was a kaleidoscope of unhealed energy, and let's just say "everything's fine" wasn't exactly my reality but this was how I had been taught to appear.
My dad's trauma broke him, and it broke me. I was struggling, overwhelmed and not living my best creative life.
Until one day, that all changed.
The day when I decided that there HAD to be a better way - deep down, there was a spark waiting to be rekindled.

In 2011 I booked a flight to the Amazon jungle for what turned out to be a 7-year initiation, over 100 ceremonies, with the plant medicine Ayahuasca.
I discovered the secrets of the universe are all about energy, frequency and vibration and all the answers do indeed lie within you.
I also started studying different modalities of energy and psychology, to improve my own skills and help establish a framework for expressing my experiences in the jungle.
Mastering your energy is an art and a science and the past 12+ years have allowed me to distil all of my energy experience into something powerful. I released my hidden blocks and saw my subtle energy's geometry calibrate into alignment.
And since discovering this?
The right people, places and things started showing up as I took action from this new vibration.
I am living in a Fairytale Forest with the love of my life. A life partner, a spiritual artist, who walks beside me as we create a safe space for creativity and healing, ceremonies and gatherings.

Beyond my wildest dreams.
We are living a life filled with art, energy and creativity every day and it’s pure magic.
This environment in nature brings me clarity and a grounded power to hold space for profound healings and personal transformations online and in person using my Heart Purification process.
AND P.S. - I am so confident in this energy process that if you DON’T love it for whatever reason... There is a money-back guarantee 🥰
Here are the key ENERGY MASTERY elements that make the Heart Purification a game-changer for creatives:
Trapped emotions and limiting beliefs from your life experiences or inherited emotions disturb your energy flow and get in the way of everything you want. We assess up to 60 different emotional frequencies held in your field and allow them to be released using specific energy techniques. Your heart frequency is reset to its natural vibe of love, bliss, and joy for infinite resourcefulness and emotional freedom.
Dialling you in like an antenna and receiver at your soul station, channel higher self, is a process of energy mastery that activates subtle energy ‘circuitry’ in you. It connects you to the right people, places, and things to support your evolution and creativity. Your energy has been coded to feel safe to receive at the multidimensional level of your heart space.
The flow state of inspiration and ideas is unstoppable when you have let go of the accumulated junk of fears and past conditioning in your energy. Alignment with your true nature is creative energy, a life force just like Mother Nature. You are attuned to the creative power of the universe beyond the level of mind.
I have poured all this expertise and innovation into my Heart Purification process so you can shine your creative light and activate your true potential, all without the overwhelm and stress of living from past conditioning.
Imagine how it will feel

Tapping into a wellspring of resilient energy within you, where worries about "not enough" melt away into a sea of calmness and faith.
Picture a sanctuary inside yourself where you're wrapped in a cozy blanket of safety, support, and abundance. Sounds amazing, right?
Ready for a total energy makeover? We'll sweep away those dusty old habits and beliefs, and watch as your outer world transforms to match your shiny new inner reality.
Feel that? It's the incredible sensation of your body relaxing into a new normal – one where your nerves sing with stability and life feels oh-so-much easier. This is what awaits when you do the inner work.
Here's the secret sauce: blend your unique gifts with a supercharged mindset and a fresh take on energy. The result? Creativity and abundance overflowing in every corner of your life!
“I have been meaning to tell you how much has changed for me. I literally don’t have the energy of overwhelm that I have carried all my life anymore. I was surprised at the drastic change. Much more noticeable than I would have believed. So, thank you.”
It’s time to discover:
Ready to fully shine your creative light and activate your true potential without using past programming or trying to think your way out.
Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to the unique light of creativity that lives inside of you. Using my energy mastery process, I ensure you let go of self-sabotage and are ready to light up the world.
Welcome to my absolutely unique 3 months one-on-one multidimensional mentorship and energy experience.
What Awaits You
On your 3 MONTH Heart Purification Journey
Setting your sacred container of consciousness, we dive into skillfully uncovering your hidden light and deepest desires, core wounds and fears, We get crystal clear on what you are looking to activate and receive. A powerful energy intention is set in a healing temple of light.
Working with my team of guides, The Spirit Doctors, we journey to a healing temple of light that has been there for aeons of time. They are a team of multidimensional healers, physicians and shamans, many of whom have walked on the Earth plane. A deeper connection with Spirit is activated within your heart and being. The Spirit Doctor tools encompass future Light technologies and ancient earth wisdoms to help clear your energetic field and restore your life force within your emotional, mental and energy bodies. Trapped emotions and priority fears are diagnostically assessed and transmuted.
Affirmations channeled uniquely for you are coded into your energy in alignment, allowing you to use these mantras as rocket fuel for your energy and actions. This connects your higher self to your embodiment here on Earth.
Simple and powerful energy as medicine techniques, energy tested to fit you, ensure you hold space for yourself and your nervous system to integrate this deep process. These life-changing techniques will be able to be used for life.
Your immense power will arise from the depth of reflection and integration. We use energy tools and techniques to ensure you feel grounded and safe and embody this profound process.
Crystal-clear clarity on your next action steps allows you to embody these new soul frequencies. I am your energy mastery guide in your pocket, available to answer your questions and fully support you during this process. Responding Mon-Fri European business hours.
Payment Plan
One Payment
Here’s what other people have to say about working with Nicola Energy

Henry Koperski
Musician & Music Director
Everything’s changed. It feels like I was facing that way and now it's made me face this way and this way feels really good.
This energy work just made me start to feel better day to day. I felt waves going through my body. When I felt better I made better choices for myself and all those choices led up to all these different events. All these new possibilities every day and then I met my partner in a very unexpected random way!
Before I was trapped in a state and not willing to budge because I was only able to use my brain and try to think accompanying thoughts. Using my past, the data I have from my past, to figure out the future, it’s a dead end.
I know there's something unique and healing inside of me and I want that channel to be open and to pour out and find the other people who are doing that.
Major tunings from the individual sessions set the frequency so I am more guided towards things that are for me. The last session was one of the most powerful experiences of peace I’ve….ever had. I now know I can travel to new places and receive profound wisdom simply by opening my heart and trusting myself.
Thanks for your magic! I had such a profound healing and have already felt many, many shifts.
First of all, things shifted so quickly and easily! I didn't have to wrestle with it. I didn't have to do this whole cognitive process. I could literally just allow you to tune in. It would resonate immediately with me. We would do some of the energy tools and the shift would happen. And I would feel the shift happen. It was undisputable that something would shift because I would feel it so clearly.
OMG there is so much I want to share! Yesterday’s session unlocked SO MUCH from age 13 and why I felt unworthy and I was hit with a flood of memories and things that happened that I interpreted as me being unworthy.

Lora Cheadle
Relationship Coach & Key Note Speaker

Ursula Chelar
Software Engineer & Programmer
It was a magical experience for me. Full of surprises. It helped me bring the things that were ready to be healed into focus.
I feel happier and lighter. More open and more accepting of myself.
I was holding patterns on a subconscious level the release of which was very liberating. I realised I'm energy and this helped me peel away protective layers that I've accumulated over the years and that don't serve me any more."
Take your energy mastery even further with these energy activation bonuses
Your Energy Reset & Recharge: Value $490
Beginner: Learn how to activate grounding to feel at your centre, calm your nervous system for clarity and boost your aura for connection and protection.
A 5-week on-demand energy experience that gives you a profound toolkit of energy as medicine techniques to help you think better and feel better.
“I have realised just how important this work is, not only for myself, but for those that I come into contact with. I also noticed how when I have done the aura work, how much happier and lighter my spirit feels. I also feel more “in tune”. Paula
“It is a knowledge of vital importance to thrive in this energy universe. If you understand you are an energy being then the first thing you would want to do is to take care of your energy.” Koryun
“This course is what you need to bring joy back into your life. To bring in some big personal changes, implementing powerful new habits and making you aware of your energy needs.” Kat
Planting The Seeds Of Your Future: VALUE $895
Advanced: Learn how to activate your intuitive ‘circuitry’ to feel guided, use energy techniques for emotional mastery and unlock the magic of your heart energy for love and creativity.
A 5-week in-depth on-demand energy experience that gives you a profound toolkit of energy as medicine techniques
“ This energy experience helps to align mind, body, and spirit. A way to discover who YOU truly are and letting go of everything else." Anchal
“Awareness and intuition intensified. "Knowing" has increased.” Elaine
"No more headaches and migraines - used to have headache a least once a week and migraines once a month. Thank you from my heart. This course really has made a difference in my life.” Bettina
Payment Plan
3 monthly payments
One Payment
Risk Free Money Back Guarantee
If past experiences have made you cautious, I want to ensure you can confidently say yes to Heart Purification without worry. I have never had to refund anyone, but if you decide after the Deep Dive sacred conscious container session that this is not for you, I will refund you minus the Deep Dive session.
Hello! I’m Nicola
Energy mastery guide, healer, intuitive of clarity and channel for your highest good.
Diagnostic and prescriptive, with energy as medicine. I have supported thousands of people all over the world in connecting to themselves as energy, helping them feel better and think better.
After working closely with so many people to help them create transformation in their lives, tracking my own healing and creative journey, and spending tens of thousands of pounds on the gold standard of professional energy training, I have gained deep insight into the energy keys for true and lasting change.
I am here to help you create a profound shift in your life.
You can't:
Eat your emotions [give me that piece of chocolate now]
Netflix them away,
Rationalise them with your mind,
or pretend they don’t live inside of you.
You will not truly be free until you make space in a safe and sacred container to bring them into the light of awareness, honour them, and process them.
This is also not about going around in circles with the stories in your mind.
“You can’t solve a problem at the same level of thinking that created it.” Einstein
It’s a trap.
The conditioned energy of your mind and emotions is blocking your most vibrant energy, frequency, and vibration - the multidimensional powerhouse of your heart.
“As you were doing the first guided integration with the Spirit Doctors I had this awful pain rise up in my chest and then it was like someone/ something plucked it out and my whole body felt light as a feather. I'll be honest I was a bit skeptical BUT the anxiety I've had in my chest for months is gone! I think I still have a lot of work to do.”
Does this feel like you?
Heart Purification is designed for YOU.
I don’t walk in your shoes but I do know what it feels like to :
And I also know what it feels like to:
Do you have questions?
Here are some answers!
The question is: are you worth it? Yes, you are and I know without hesitation this will be a profound experience that will change the course of your destiny.
You’ve reached the end, and since you’re still here deciding if this is for you, there’s one last thing I will say:
You know that feeling when someone walks into a room and BOOM, the energy shifts? They're not forcing it, it just radiates. That's the magic of unlocked heart energy,
Uniquely you, at home with yourself. With deep love and acceptance for all you are.
That is your magic.
Magic is real
YOU are magic
So, here's my invitation: take that step today.
You're stepping into a new chapter of growth and personal evolution.
Take my hand and I promise you the journey of a lifetime.
Payment Plan
3 Monthly Payments
One Payment
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek.”
- Joseph Campbell