Nicola Energy smelling from a healer

How to maintain trust before seeing visible results

Embarking on a new venture, whether it’s a creative project or a business idea, is often accompanied by a surge of enthusiasm and optimism. However, as time passes and the desired results seem to linger just out of reach, doubt can begin to seep in, eroding the trust you have in yourself and the process. This experience is not a personal shortcoming; rather, it is a common human struggle rooted in your innate desire for certainty.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), co-founded by Richard Bandler, sheds light on how your brain is wired to seek certainty. When results are delayed, the whispers of “maybe” grow louder, activating the amygdala, your brain’s fear centre. This stress response can derail your efforts, tempting you to abandon your pursuits before you’ve had a chance to witness the fruits of your labour.

But what if you could rewrite this narrative? What if you could cultivate an unshakeable trust in yourself and the process, even in the absence of immediate, tangible results? The key lies not in some elusive, magical elixir, but in the deliberate construction of a bridge that spans the chasm of uncertainty – a bridge built brick by brick, strong enough to support you even when the destination seems distant.

Step 1: Igniting the Inner Fire by Anchoring Your Why as a Feeling

At the core of any worthwhile endeavour lies a profound, intrinsic reason that fuels your desire for change. Perhaps it’s the burning urge to unleash your creative potential upon the world, the ambition to build a legacy that inspires others beyond your daily existence, or the dream of attaining financial freedom. Understanding and connecting with this “why” is crucial, as it serves as a guiding light, illuminating your path even in the face of adversity.

To further strengthen this connection, let’s delve deeper and identify a powerful feeling associated with achieving your goal – joy, pride, or confidence. Close your eyes and allow that feeling to permeate your being, experiencing it as a frequency that resonates within your body. Now, pair this feeling with a physical anchor, such as a hand gesture or body movement. Whenever a doubt arises, activate this anchor to reinvoke the sense of purpose and reignite your “why.” By engaging your thoughts, emotions, and physical body in this process, you create a holistic embodiment of the energy needed to persevere.

Here’s how you can put anchoring into practise:

  • Identify your goal and the associated positive emotion: Visualise yourself achieving your goal. What emotion arises? Is it exhilaration, fulfilment, or a sense of accomplishment?
  • Choose your anchor: Select a physical gesture that feels natural and effortless to perform, such as squeezing your thumb and index finger together (known as the “power mudra”) or firmly tapping your chest.
  • Link the anchor and the emotion: Vividly imagine the positive feeling of achieving your goal, then activate your chosen anchor. Repeat this process several times to forge a strong association.
  • Test and refine: Throughout your journey, whenever doubt emerges, activate your anchor and observe if the positive emotion resurfaces. If not, repeat the anchoring process to reinforce the connection.

This mental rehearsal in the present moment constructs a bridge between your current efforts and the future success you envision. By engaging in “future pacing” and vividly imagining yourself attaining your goal, you create a powerful mental blueprint that guides your actions and bolsters your trust in the process.

Step 2: Clearing Energy Blocks – Because Your Body Speaks (Even When You Don’t)

Your energy field is a reflection of your beliefs, and when doubt creeps in, it can create energetic blockages that hinder your progress. These blockages may manifest as physical tension, sluggishness, digestive issues, or irritability, highlighting the intricate connection between your emotions and physical well-being.

Simple energy medicine exercises can help clear these blockages and restore the flow of energy, acting as a metaphorical car wash for your aura. Techniques such as tapping on your thymus gland (the confidence booster) or performing cross crawls to synchronise your brain and nervous system can provide the necessary reset to keep you moving forward.

Here are a few Eden Energy Medicine techniques you can incorporate into your routine:

  • The Thymus Thump: The thymus gland, located in the centre of your chest, plays a vital role in the immune system and is associated with feelings of confidence and self-worth. Gently tap the centre of your chest, just below your breastbone, with a rhythmic drumming motion for a few minutes to activate and energise yourself.
  • Cross Crawl: This exercise stimulates the brain and nervous system, promoting focus and emotional balance. Stand with your arms outstretched, and touch your right hand to your left knee and your left hand to your right knee, alternating sides quickly for 30 seconds to a minute.
  • The Daily Energy Routine: Developed by Donna Eden, this bioenergetic tune-up is a powerful tool for optimising your energy levels and overall well-being. As a certified Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner with four years of training, I highly recommend incorporating this routine into your daily practise. You can watch my video guide to the Daily Energy Routine [HERE].

Step 3: Embracing the Journey with Self-Compassion and Gratitude

Just as an athlete wouldn’t expect to break a record overnight, you must extend the same patience and understanding to yourself. The path to success is not a sprint to a tropical paradise with a celebratory mocktail awaiting you at the finish line; it is a marathon, a long and challenging journey. There will undoubtedly be days when you feel as though you are rowing against the current, making little progress despite your best efforts.

In these moments, self-compassion becomes an invaluable energy that can dissolve doubt and feelings of inadequacy. Offer yourself a new level of non-negotiable kindness, recognising that setbacks and challenges are an inherent part of your growth process.

Gratitude is another powerful tool for maintaining trust and perspective. Implement a daily gratitude ritual, focusing on the positive aspects of your journey, no matter how small they may seem. This can be as simple as listing three things you’re grateful for each morning or maintaining a gratitude journal.

The energetic key here lies not only in thinking about gratitude but also in genuinely feeling it. While thoughts move quickly at the level of your thinking mind, embodying the frequency of gratitude in your heart space requires slowing down and taking a conscious breath. This is where the true power of energy “work” comes into play.
If you find it challenging to access a genuine feeling of gratitude due to the presence of frustration, stress, or sadness, acknowledge this as valuable information. It signifies the need to create space in your energy field – physically, emotionally, and mentally – to fully access your heart space.

Begin by practising the art of letting go, releasing any energetic or emotional blockages that may be hindering your ability to cultivate gratitude and trust. This process of self-inquiry and release will pave the way for a more open and receptive state of being.

Join me for THE ART OF LETTING GO, my guided energy masterclass to help you make space for higher inspiration and fresh energy to flow.

As you navigate the land of “maybe” on your journey towards your goals, remember that building unshakeable trust is an ongoing practice. By anchoring your “why” as a feeling, clearing energy blocks, and embracing the journey with self-compassion and gratitude, you create a solid foundation for success.

Trust in the process, trust in yourself, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. The bridge you build, brick by brick, will carry you through the uncertainties and lead you to the fulfilment of your dreams. Embrace the journey, for it is in the journey itself that true growth and transformation occur.

Click HERE to access The Art Of Letting Go, guided energy masterclass to set yourself free from the past and make space for fresh viiibes.

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The Art Of Letting Go

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The Art Of Letting Go


Something in your heart is calling you to make a shift in your life. Imagine fresh vibes flowing in. You're receiving guidance and inspiration. It feels good.

Let me guide you through a process mentally, emotionally and energetically to let go.

“I feel aligned and I want more.” Lari
“I’m stepping into my power” Elaine
“At a subtle level it's making something new & pure for every one of us.” Luana
“Strong feeling with my liver helping heal the past” Hayley
“I feel aligned and I want more.” Lari
“I’m stepping into my power” Elaine
“At a subtle level it's making something new & pure for every one of us.” Luana
“Strong feeling with my liver helping heal the past” Hayley