Nicola with fairy wings on in an alleyway

One energy key to embrace more of who you are

In the fast-paced whirlwind of modern life, it’s all too easy to get swept up in the current of expectations, live on autopilot, and feel disconnected from your true potential. But what if the key to a fulfilling life wasn’t about becoming someone new but rather embracing more of who you already are?

You, my friend, are a glorious tapestry woven from unique quirks, passions, and experiences. Yet, societal pressures, fear of judgment, or plain old self-doubt can lead you to hide away parts of yourself, living a life that doesn’t fully align with your authentic truth. As Tony Robbins warns, this is the trap of “living a life of SHOULDS” – chasing an illusion of who you think you should be, rather than embracing who you truly are.

But here’s the magnificent truth: When you have the courage to embrace ALL of you, the messy and the marvellous, the magic begins to unfold. Brené Brown, researcher and storyteller, describes this as the power of “vulnerability” – the bravery to show up authentically, even when it feels scary or uncomfortable. It’s about peeling back the mask of conditioning and allowing your genuine self to radiate, even if it means navigating some awkward moments along the way.

So, how do you break free from the shackles of expectation and step into the glorious realm of YOU-ness? The journey starts with a simple, yet profound, energy key:
Hold Space for Yourself to Meet ALL Parts of You

Imagine yourself as an intrepid explorer, like Indiana Jones, on a quest to unearth buried treasure. But in this adventure, the hidden gems you seek are the forgotten aspects of your authentic self. Connecting to these aspects of yourself will support all of your creative endeavours and enrich your self-expression.
To begin your exploration, grab a trusty notebook and dig deep with these soul-searching prompts:

– What ignited your passion as a child, before the world imposed its “shoulds” upon you?
– What activities make time seemingly evaporate, even if others might find them peculiar?
– What are the quirky traits you may feel shy to admit, but secretly adore about yourself?

As you excavate, pay attention to any limiting beliefs that have hitched a ride along the way. Perhaps you’ve convinced yourself that you’re “not creative enough” or “too introverted” to pursue certain paths. Challenge those beliefs! Recognize that they are merely stories, not unshakable truths. Remind yourself that you are inherently worthy, creative, and capable, quirks and all.

Unleash Your Inner Rockstar
Remember those carefree moments belting out a power ballad in the shower, blissfully unconcerned with hitting the right notes? That uninhibited joy is the energy you’re channelling. Losing your sense of ‘self’, being without self-consciousness, and opening to a state of relaxation and expression that will light up your energy. This is your flow state.
Embracing your authentic self means fearlessly pursuing your passions, no matter how big, small, or unconventional they may seem.
As you embark on this self-discovery journey, seek out kindred spirits who celebrate your quirks rather than judge them. Find online communities united by shared passions, local clubs centred around offbeat interests, or simply cherish the friends who enthusiastically cheer on your wildest ideas. Surrounding yourself with people who encourage you to be your most authentic self is like adding rocket fuel to your personal growth.
Remember, embracing your true self is a beautifully messy adventure. There will be detours, stumbles, and off-key moments along the way. Embrace the imperfections and celebrate the journey, knowing that growth rarely follows a linear path. Just as a professional musician once fumbled through scales, your path to self-discovery may involve some clumsy missteps before you find your rhythm.

Silence the Inner Critic (That Pesky Backseat Driver)
We all have an inner voice that whispers doubts and criticisms, but here’s the secret: that voice is just a narrator, not an all-knowing oracle. When your inner critic starts to rear its head, try these strategies:
– Recognize the voice when it appears (“Ah, there you are again”), but don’t engage with its message.
– Reframe the narrative from self-defeating to empowering. Replace “I can’t do this” with “This is a challenge, and I’m ready to rise to the occasion!”
– Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would extend to a beloved friend.

Celebrate Your Uniqueness (Because You’re a Radiant Unicorn)

There is only one magnificent you in a world of over seven billion people. Your distinctive blend of experiences, talents, and quirks is what makes you a radiant unicorn amidst a sea of uniformity. Celebrate your one-of-a-kindness by:
– Embracing your so-called “flaws” as the superpowers that set you apart.
– Dressing in a way that makes you feel like the most fabulous version of yourself, play the character you wish to be in the game of life. This is not a dress rehearsal.
– Sharing your unique voice and perspective by taking time to reflect on your values and showing up authentically in your daily interactions aligns you with your personal integrity.
As you navigate this lifelong journey of self-discovery and acceptance, remember that embracing your authentic self is not a one-time event, but a daily practice. There will inevitably be moments when societal expectations or self-doubt try to pull you back into the land of “should.” In those times, take a deep breath, straighten your metaphorical Indiana Jones hat, and keep excavating the magnificent gems within.
The world desperately needs the light that only you can shine. By courageously embracing all of who you are, quirks and all, you grant others permission to do the same. So go forth and radiate your unique brilliance, knowing that your authentic self is your greatest gift to the world. Adventure awaits!

Want to go deeper and connect to your authentic self?
Get instant access to my FREE Heart Clarity Guided Energy Activation HERE.

With love,
Nicola Energy

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“I feel aligned and I want more.” Lari
“I’m stepping into my power” Elaine
“At a subtle level it's making something new & pure for every one of us.” Luana
“Strong feeling with my liver helping heal the past” Hayley